ForgInk Dance 蛙之舞 Frogking Kwok takes a different attitude to art. Anytime, anyplace, any dimension, there is art. He create art in any form, anytime, anywhere. Rare, high price usually associated with auction and art piece. Even himself may take it confused or absurd. Why a piece of paper can be marked such a crazy dollar value, he said. His works are logical or aesthetically good, more than good looking. Designer make no complain on space and visual principle. Chinese painting expert did appraise his position of chops and signature. Flying everywhere, yet reasonably appropriate. Kwok’s power ( 功力), as he said, dated back to 50 years of exercise and hardworking. Non stop development of brush and internal power. I prefer to say his eye and mind coordinate precisely that works come out in such a good harmony. We have been trained / tinted into such a sophisticated level; our eye would reject any unreasonable position of graphic object into a designated square space. We feel absurd when the works come out wrong. Yet, we feel comfortable with Frogking’s exercise pieces. Signed and done. After 50 years, works still shine bright. We are proud to keep it, whatever type. 蛙王,他看藝術作品,有自己一套理論:任何時,任何地,任何媒介,皆可創作,融為一起。他叫這是任次元。 基本上,他的作品產量超大,但都是用心好看的。設計人對他的空間處理,視覺導向,怎看也是無話可講。國畫人對他的印章亂飛,有點多了,但落位也是洽到好處。 他講:50年的功力,是不断練習及努力研究,對筆鋒掌控及內功深厚沉澱,不簡單的呀。我倒配服他眼與心的快速聯乘組合,任何作品均可點石成金似的講得通,看得順眼,現代人類而久經訓練,對不順眼的東西自然產生不合理的感覺。在紙張框框上,放上什麼好看與否,自然產生反應。 但郭老蛙王的作品,50年來仍是看得順眼。一經簽名,掂! 我們仍舊開心去收集他的作品,任何形狀,任何物料。